Seven Reasons Why You Should Seriously CONSIDER Becoming a Member
1. WE LOVE JESUS – He is our focus
2. We accept the whole Bible as the inspired Word of God
Old and New Testaments
Second Coming!
3. We are a very culturally diverse church family
You would fit in very nicely here
We will love and accept you unconditionally
Racially, ethnically, culturally, diverse but we are united in Jesus’ message and mission
4. We are not only friendly, but you can make friends here
5. We love to worship Jesus
Our worship services are blended
Strong biblical preaching
6. We are serious about God’s discipling-making mission (Matt. 28:18-20)
Small Groups
7. We support Christian education
We value our children and your children by investing in their future and eternal success
We own and operate an engaging pre-school and an excellent elementary school called East Pasco Adventist Academy (EPAA)